Wednesday, 21 February 2018

They are all wrong

As I walk into town I often go through Church Lane. It's a short alley way from the car park at the back of Viscount restaurant up to the Market Square in Dungannon. It may be a steep climb for some people but it's a shortcut for me. I cannot help but notice the writing on the wall there. The words 'They are all wrong' are painted on the wall there. When I pass by them, they spark a train of thought, of which I'll share a little bit now.

The words have been there for several years now. I do not know who wrote them or what they are referring to. Are they just the words of some song or are they a cry for help? Does the word 'They' refer to a specific group of people, eg politicians, town planners, religious leaders, or some rights activists?? Does the word 'All' really mean that everyone is wrong or does it mean that just some people have got it all wrong about some matter? (Mind you if it was about the mess the planners made of the Market Square a few years back I would tend to agree but thankfully they have rectified it a bit now). But what if it is a heart rending cry from someone who feels completely misunderstood by everyone around them?

Then my thoughts turn to the fact that we are all wrong by nature (Psalm 14v1-3; Romans 3v10-12). We have all been born in sin and therefore we all do wrong. Yes, we have ALL sinned and fall short of God's standard (Romans 3v23; 5v12). Criminal, self-righteous, good-living, immoral, religious,
atheist, whoever and whatever you are, we have all sinned.

But my thoughts do not stay there for they must turn to Christ the Only One who is not wrong. "In Him is no sin." (1 John 3v5). He was tempted as we are but He is without sin (Hebrews 4v15). He is Holy and undefiled (Hebrews 7v26). He is the Sinless Saviour. He was made sin for us to reconcile us to God (2 Corinthians 5v20+21). Read about His sufferings when He died to save us (Isaiah 53v3-7).

The Lord Jesus is my Sinless Saviour. As a little girl I realized that I was born a sinner and that was why I did wrong. I could not take away my own sin, no matter how good I tried to be but I looked to Christ the Sinless Saviour and repented of my sin. What a wonderful Saviour He has been to me ever since! Do you know Him as your Saviour?

Yes, it's amazing what a few words painted on a wall can make me think about!

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

You are so loved

At this time of the year when people's thoughts are directed to LOVE, perhaps it is an appropriate time for me to say that I believe that marriage is to between a man and a woman as God ordained and that I am pro-life. (Those of you who know me already know that anyway!) But I am writing this blog to remind you that God so loves us and we are to act with love towards others.

God SO LOVED us that He GAVE...
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3v16 KJV).
Stop and meditate on the unfathomable love of God. Then, think about how we can emulate that love in our lives. Love gives sacrificially. True love bears good fruit. Yes, we are so loved but God expects Christians to love one another as Christ has loved us (1 John 4v11).

OK, that's all very good but what has it to do with the above picture? Well, I just cannot help but think of the little defenseless baby in it's mother's womb being so loved by God. What right has anyone to kill it? And yet, millions have been murdered. Then, I must go on to say that it is not only Pro-lifers and those who are anti same sex marriage that God loves. We have ALL been born sinners and we ALL deserve eternal death and WHOEVER believes on Christ can have their sins forgiven and have eternal life.

So, how should we treat those who disagree with us and even vehemently oppose us when we stand up for the life of the unborn children and for marriage as God ordained it between a man and a woman? Read 1 Corinthians 13. There is no room there for being abusive, disrespectful, arrogant or hateful towards those who support SSM and abortion. Remember, love never fails and our love ought to point them to Christ. That does not mean that we cannot stand strong for the truth. Never forget that the vilest of sinners (and there are many others besides homosexuals and abortionists) can be cleansed from their sins by the blood of Christ.

I rejoice that I am so loved and that I will one day stand with that great multitude of redeemed sinners which no man can number before the throne of God (Revelation 7v 9-17). I believe that the millions of unborn babies will be there and that there will be many redeemed homosexuals and redeemed abortionists amongst that great crowd praising God. Praise God you are so loved and make sure you will stand among that great multitude of redeemed sinners, too!