He was some pup....the biggest and strongest of the litter, lively, sparky, playful, and strong-willed. He was never afraid to stand up for himself or fight his corner if needed. Right from the moment he joined the pack of our family he was adored by us all. He was so intelligent and could nearly talk to us. 😂
He understood our names. Adrian: master and tease who walks and feeds me. Isaac: second in command for walking and playing with me. Rhonda: she doesn't let me into every room (afraid I'll leave too many hairs) but I sneak in anyway when she's not about. Jemima: she's the big softy in the pack, I can get a few extra treats from her but don't do everything she says.
Cesar used to lie up the garden like a king (or should I say emperor). It was his territory and he hated the window cleaner or oil delivery man to enter it! He even chased the magpies from it but amazingly would allow small birds to feed from his dish. He had his bush that he loved to lie under sometimes when it was hot. But he, also, loved to roll in the snow. He was hardy. After all, corgis were bred for life on the cold Welsh mountains.
He was a great watch. He barked when anyone came to the door. He knew the sound of Adrian, Isaac and Jemima's cars but alerted us to anyone else outside. The sound of the doorbell or door knocker drove him crazy. Of course, Adrian coming home from work was a drama time for him! He'd hear the car and run to meet him. I'd say, 'Adrian? Tell him to hurry up' and he'd bark. Then, the doorbell got him barking so excitedly. When the door opened and his master entered, he would be so delighted but would come back to me for praise.
Cesar just loved his walks. Rattle the chain, say 'walk', and he was excited and ready to go. Once out there, he was a big dog in a small dog's body 😂 He loved to meet, sniff and play with other dogs but was unafraid of any dog he did not like. The woods nearby and Peatlands park were favourite haunts. No matter how wet or dark it was, he just liked a walk before he settled for the night. But see Sundays...he expected his walk after dinner!
He had some little quirky things he did that gave us a laugh. Throw him a piece of sausage and he would do a 'food ritual' of rolling on it before he ate it. 😏 He was a male chauvinist. One time we had to keep a stray female corgi overnight. Cesar would not allow her to sleep in his dog house. He left her sleep outside. lol
He celebrated the 60th year of the Queens reign. After all, his very distant relatives were owned by Her Majesty. lol.
Last year poor Cesar got very sick. Isaac took him to the vet and he was diagnosed with pancreatitis. Since then he was on a strict diet of rice and chicken. (It's well we had Moypark nearby for cheap deals on chicken). He got lots of extra TLC and privileges in his old age. Sleeping inside was just expected! Ask him 'In or Out?' and he would run to his little bed inside. He has had ups and downs in his health this past year but kept going until in the end his liver failed. Unfortunately, we had to put him down.
Cesar is gone but not forgotten. We have many treasured memories of him. The problem is that now I've no dog to cover up talking to myself with. So, if you hear me talking to Cesar you'll know I really am cracked. lol