Friday, 10 January 2020

Remembering 2019

It's that time of year when I stop to reflect upon the past year and consider what lessons and encouragement I can take with me into the New Year.

Christmas 2019
The first half of 2019 gave me some beautiful memories to treasure. I think particularly of our beautiful holiday in Tenerife in May. It was a lovely time to relax and enjoy walking around Port de la Cruz. I think there was one day where I actually did over 19000 steps! Also, I had the experience of walking on black sand beach for the first time. The memories roll as I view my holiday photos. Here are just a few:

Then, I really enjoyed the Holiday Bible School week at the beginning of July. These are just a couple of photos to illustrate what we taught the children about during that week. I am so thankful for the great team of workers who excelled in work and unity. 

The second half of 2019 was very different. On 23rd July my mum fell and has not been fit to be home since. Life changed dramatically for her and dad after over 64 years of marriage. He is tired and vexed that he cannot bring her home. For the rest of us there is a big focus now on visiting mum and doing what little we can to help her. But, even in all of this, I have learned to take time out to spend with my own family Adrian, Isaac and Jemima. They have been so understanding, patient and helpful, especially concerning housework, cooking for themselves and driving me about. It has not been possible to be at home every day to have dinner ready for them coming in from work.

At 58 years of age, my body tells me what it is able to cope with. I realize it is important to take time to relax, chillax, to refresh my body and to spend time with Adrian, Isaac and Jemima. This means that I must prioritize the things I do, even if it does not please everyone. Yes, and it has even meant cutting back a bit on my commitment to church activities.

Here are just a few things to think about as we enter 2020:
  1. Praise God for the good times and seek His strength and guidance in the difficult times
  2. Appreciate family and enjoy time with them
  3. Respect the body God gave you and do not burn yourself out
  4. Take care of your physical, spiritual and mental health
  5. Unity brings blessing from God and joy to your soul
  6. Try to resolve problems with others before they fester
  7. God's grace is sufficient for you in every situation in life.

This is the Bible verse that I have chosen to take with me into 2020:
"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Phillippians 3v13-14 KJV
The New Year brings new challenges and opportunities. My sole focus for 2020 is to be Christ as I run in the spiritual race of life. I must not let the difficulties and struggles of the past year hold me back. May I ever keep my eye on the finishing line and the heavenly prize that God has for me!

Wishing you every blessing for 2020.