Friday, 29 May 2020

When the lights went out

Last night (or should I say early morning) I went to my computer with this text etched on my mind to prepare a picture text to upload to Facebook. It seemed a random text as I hadn't been reading or studying it but well it must be meant for someone. I believe these words of Jesus to Peter can be applied to God's people and maybe you are that someone who needs it today.

Shortly after uploading, boom, my computer just stopped without any warning. The screen was black. I immediately thought: ah no, that's bad for my computer; or has it just crocked it? Then, I suddenly realized it is dark all around me. The lights were out and it was pitch dark. I really could see nothing. It was weird because, as anyone who lives in the town knows, even when the the house lights go out, the street lights still show light into the home.

But here's my quick chain of thought as I dealt with it (I cannot write as quickly as I thought):
It is not Jesus coming back for He will come in clouds with great glory and with a mighty shout. It is not hell for there is no fire or shrieks of the eternally lost souls. Ah, the lights must have tripped so I felt around the table for my phone. The light from the screen showed me my way for the short time it stayed on. But how will I make Adrian's lunch with that stopping every minute? I really need to make him lunch as restaurants are shut because of coronavirus restrictions. 

So, with the aid of my phone screen light I searched for a torch but the couple I found didn't work. Then, it suddenly dawned on me that there was a torch on my phone! Silly me. So, Adrian's lunch was made under torch light 😃 Then, off to bed for there was no point sitting up.

However, in the middle of all this, I stepped outside and saw that the street lights were out, too. In the darkness I lifted my eyes up to heaven and saw the beauty of the stars twinkling. What a beautiful glimmer of hope provided by the Creator!

So what's my point in all this? Why am I rambling on? Well, let's read the full text first:

"And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren."
Luke 22v31-32

Satan wanted to destroy Simon Peter's life so that he would not do great exploits for God BUT Jesus prayed for Peter. That made all the difference. Yes, Jesus is God and He knew exactly how Peter was feeling and all he was struggling with. God had purpose for Peter's life but he needed strong faith. So, Jesus prayed that Peter's faith would not fail. After this Peter denied the Lord 3 times with oaths and cursing but he repented with bitter tears and 3 times affirmed his love for the Lord. His faith had faltered but did not fail. Later Peter would be the one who would strengthen his brothers in Christ.

Today you may be feeling great pressure upon your faith in God. Perhaps this lockdown and isolation from friends and church has caused you to doubt, question or despair of your faith in Christ. Maybe the Bible is not as precious to you as it used to be. You are crying for help and the temptation is to give up on your faith. Satan would love to destroy you and make you a failure BUT remember Jesus is praying for you in heaven (Romans 8v34; Hebrew 7v25). His prayers cannot fail. He has purpose for your life.

In conclusion, I hope these points will be helpful:
  1. Just as the stars seem to shine brightest in the darkest night, so you can shine in the darkness  that you are experiencing at this time.
  2. The Lord Jesus understands and cares about you in all your struggles and you can trust His praying for you, so leave your life in His hands. 
  3. Your faith may falter but it will not fail when Jesus is praying for you.
  4. God will give you the privilege of fulfilling the purpose He has for you after your faith is strengthened.
It is amazing how it took the lights to go out to switch me on to what God was saying. May these few scattered thoughts be a blessing to you.