It's Christmas time! The time we think Christmas decorations, trees and sparkling lights, Santa and presents, turkey and food, dinners and parties, seasonal jumpers and clothes, carols and Christmas songs, and so much more. We dash about seeking to make Christmas so magical for children and enjoyable for all the family. Perhaps we love the carol services and Bible readings about the Baby Jesus at this special time of year. But do we really take time to consider the Christ of Christmas?
Who is the Christ of Christmas? Well, in order to help us understand, let us consider the words of angels and of people who bore witness to the incarnation.
1. Angel Gabriel to Mary
Please read Luke 1v26-38 and consider what was so important that God sent an archangel to announce the birth of Jesus to Mary. In this passage we hear Gabriel announce the Virgin Birth of Jesus and speak of His Kingship. He calls Him Jesus, Son of the Highest, Holy and the Son of God.
Gabriel greeted Mary saying that she was blessed among (not above) women. She was probably in her late teens but she was highly favoured by God to be the mother of Jesus. Jesus means Saviour. He is the Only Saviour from sin. The Saviour of the world is the Son of the Highest (v31+32). There is no higher authority than the Almighty Sovereign God.
Jesus will reign as King, being a direct descendant of David (v32). We know that one day Jesus will reign over all the earth as King of kings. But His first coming was for Him to die to be the Saviour of the world.
Mary wanted to know how this would come about as she was a virgin. Gabriel explained the miraculous Virgin birth to her. Jesus is the Holy Son of God (v35). He is absolutely Sinless. He cannot sin. Only a Sinless Saviour could die for our sins.
Virgin Birth, King, Jesus, Son of the Highest, Holy Son of God
Mary was submissive to God's will and plan (v38).... even though there would be many difficult times ahead for her. The Saviour, the Sinless Son of God wishes to reign supreme in our lives.
2. Elizabeth
Read about Mary visiting Elizabeth in Luke 1v39-56. Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant with John the Baptist. He leaped in her womb with joy when Mary arrived and greeted Elizabeth. This tiny little one in her womb could express joy at what was happening around him. He was not just a fetus with no intellect, feeling, emotions or rights. What an amazing introduction! After all, John the Baptist was going to prepare the way for Christ. Then, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke out, saying that Jesus was her Lord (v43).
My Lord
What a wonderful acknowledgment. Christ was not just the Lord but He was her Lord. It was personal.
3. Angel to Joseph
Read about the angel reassuring Joseph to marry Mary (Matthew 1v18-25). Stop and try to imagine how Joseph must have felt... confusion, disappointment, hurt.... He knew he wasn't the father. Perhaps he thought, 'How could Mary do this to me? Does she not truly love me? I did not think Mary was the sort of girl who would be unfaithful to me.' Betrothal to be married in Joseph's day was so much more binding than engagement, as we know it, today. It was as binding as the marriage vows and so for Mary to have been with another man would have been considered adultery. And yet Joseph loved Mary. He did not wish to publicly shame or disgrace her. So, he was going to divorce Mary privately. But how exactly would he go about this?
Then, in the midst of all this turmoil of mind, an angel appeared to him in a dream. What that angel told him was of utmost importance. Joseph needed to hear of the Virgin Birth. Then, he understood that Mary had not been unfaithful to him. She was a pure virgin chosen by God to bring the Messiah into the world. The angel reminded him of God's prophecy in the Old Testament concerning the virgin birth of Christ. He was to be called Jesus which means Saviour for He would save His people from their sins. Jesus is Emmanuel... God and Man... God with us.
Jesus, Son, Virgin Birth, Saviour, Emmanuel, God with us
The Word from God brought calm to Joseph in the midst of all the turmoil of his mind. Now he understood God's purpose in this all. So, with calm assurance he determined to obey the Lord. Yes, he was going to be misunderstood but he was going to provide for and protect Mary and Jesus.
Calm assurance from God's Word can bring peace to your troubled mind in the midst of all the turmoil in your life.
4. Angel of the Lord to the shepherds
Read about the Angel of the Lord announcing Christ's birth to the shepherds (Luke 2v8-14). The Angel called Him Saviour, Christ the Lord. There is an emphasis on the Saviour. Angels informed Mary, Joseph and the shepherds about Jesus the Saviour.
Christ means Messiah, the Promised One. Ever since the Garden of Eden the Messiah had been promised throughout the Old Testament. The Jews believed the Messiah was from the line of king David and He would deliver Israel. However, we know from the New Testament that Jesus came the first time to die to save us from our sins. Next time, He is coming to set up His earthly kingdom. He is Lord and He should be exalted and worshipped as Lord over all.
Saviour, Christ the Lord
The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem and found Jesus, Mary and Joseph. They met the Good Shepherd and beheld the Lamb of God and they went away glorifying and praising God. They went and told it all around to other people. They just could not keep this wonderful news to themselves! When the Saviour Christ the Lord fills our lives we just have to praise God and tell others about Him.
5. Simeon
Read about Simeon meeting baby Jesus (Luke 2v21-35). Jesus was taken to be circumcised 8 days after His birth. It was then that He met an old man called Simeon in the temple. Simeon recognised who Jesus is and he took Him up in his arms and blessed God.
Note Simeon said He is the LORD's Christ... not just a promised one but He is the One that the LORD promised to send. Simeon knew that he was holding the Saviour of the world. Christ is the Light of the world and truly He would be that Light that would lighten the Gentiles. All over the world today Gentiles have trusted Christ as their personal Saviour.
Lord's Christ, Salvation, Light to lighten the Gentiles, Glory of Israel
Simeon had waited patiently to see Christ. He could understand the difference that Christ would make to this sinful world. He even told Mary that a sword would pierce through her own soul (v35). This was fulfilled at Calvary when she was totally heartbroken to see her Sinless Son crucified.
6. Wise Men
Read about the wise men coming to worship Jesus in Matthew 2v1-12. The wise men came looking for the King of the Jews. They travelled hundreds of miles to meet Jesus. I think the wise men understood more than that He is King. When they found Him they worshipped Him. They did not worship Mary or Joseph. They worshipped Christ. Only God is to be worshipped.
King of the Jews
There are so many more testimonies as to who Jesus is. The disciples and others saw and heard Him while He was on earth. But I only took testimonies from around the nativity scenes and they are certainly worth thinking about.
What does Christmas mean to you? Is it just another holiday, albeit a busy chaotic one, especially for you as a mum? Is it a lonely time? Is it a financially difficult time, trying to provide your kids with things like 'Santa' brings to their friends? Is it just one big end of year party? Does Christ have any part in your Christmas?
Whatever your view of Christmas is, I challenge you to stop and think about who the Christ of Christmas is. I have given you a few names and titles of Christ above for you to think about. He is not just the Baby in the manger. Ask yourself what He really means for you in your own life.
This year Christmas Day is on a Sunday. The early Christians called the first day of the week the Lord's day as Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week. It was a day when they met together to specially remember Him. So, perhaps this Sunday, Christmas Day, you would stop and remember, not just the nativity stories, but think about who the true Christ of Christmas really is.
May Christ the Saviour be special to you this Christmas.