Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Star and Sceptre

 Throughout the Old Testament there are many Messianic prophecies. These are predictions about Christ. Some of them regarding the incarnation of Christ are highlighted around Christmas time. There is one amazing Messianic Prophecy that I want to bring to your attention:

"There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel." 
(Numbers 24v17)

The Messiah is Christ and this Bible verse describes Him as a Star and a Sceptre. I wish to consider these two words with you in this short blog, while considering the wise men's visit to Jesus. 


When we think of stars our minds immediately think of the heavenly bodies that twinkle in the night sky. They seem so small and far away. But did you know that there are literally trillions of stars and the sun is the closest star to earth? Stars are made up of gases and only appear to twinkle because of the effect the earth's atmosphere has on starlight. Constellations are groups of stars that appear to form a pattern in the night sky. Sailors used to use them to navigate their way. 

God created all the stars and He calls them all by their names (Psalm 147v4). Wow, that's mind blowing! God created the star that led the wise men to Jesus. They recognised from that star that a new king was born in Israel and came to Jerusalem to worship Him (Matthew 2). They followed that star and it stopped right over the place where the young child Jesus was (Matthew 2v9+10). It was their guiding star. 

The Lord Jesus Christ is the light of the world (John 8v12). He is the One who guides us as we navigate our way through life. But just as the wise men had to follow the star (it was not enough for them just to know about it or see it), so we must follow the Lord's Jesus our Star. 


A sceptre is a staff made of gold and decorated with precious stones, such as diamonds, rubies and emeralds, that belongs to a monarch. It is a symbol of a king's power and authority. It is carried during official ceremonies. Hence, the sceptre reminds us that Jesus is King. He is King of kings. 

The wise men travelled hundred of miles to meet the new born king of the Jews and the star guided them right to where the King of kings was. Jesus was probably about 2 years of age and living in Nazareth at the time they arrived. Nonetheless, they bowed down and worshipped Jesus as He is God the Son. They gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to Him. These were very expensive gifts, fit for a king. Christ is the King of kings.


In conclusion, I just want to ask you a few questions to consider: 
Is the Lord Jesus Christ your guiding star as you navigate through life? Are you following Him every day, leading you closer to God? Is He King of your life? Do you worship Him as your God and Saviour? Do you give to Him gifts that cost you? 
I trust that this Christmas time you will trust Christ as your Saviour, Lord, Guide and King.

Wishing you a peaceful and happy Christmas!