Friday, 17 October 2014

Knit Together with Love

I don't know if any of you are interested in knitting or not but when I think about knitting there's one scene that comes to my mind. Many years ago, when I was a little girl, my Great Aunt Lena used to come to visit my Granny Armstrong.  I will never forget the scene when Lena would pull her chair up real close to Granny's. These 2 old sisters would knit/crochet and talk about a host of other things.....and everyone in the vicinity of the house could hear what they said! They were sitting beside each other and shouting to each other for they were both hard of hearing. (Please excuse me for lovingly saying 'deaf and deafer'). To me, this was a comical picture of sisterly love.

However, they were both talented. Granny could knit and crochet.....socks, blankets, cushion covers and simple lace table mats. BUT wow you ought to have seen what Lena could do! She knit with special knitting thread some of the most fantastic lace tablecloths I have ever seen. I cannot recall her ever using a pattern. The pattern was a plan in her head and she was well able to knit it.
I cannot help but think that I am knit together with love. I'm not merely talking about my parents' love, although that is part of the overall pattern. I'm talking about God knitting me together with love according to His great pattern. God had a master-plan for my life. That plan originated with Him. He planned exactly what I would be like and even the very day that each of my body members would be fashioned. He wrote it in my DNA and then knit me together in my mother's womb. So the curl in dark hair, the thin feet, the strong voice, etc etc were all part of God's plan for me.

The pattern in a piece of knitting slowly becomes more evident as it gets larger. But the pattern isn't as clear on the wrong side. There appears to be loose ends of threads that don't make much sense. And so it is in life. There are a lot of loose ends in my life that I don't understand but as I grew up the pattern became a bit more clearer. I don't understand why I have bad eyesight, or why I inherited certain medical conditions, or why I wasn't born into a wealthy family. BUT one thing I do know is that these things have all helped me to depend more on my Creator. He didn't write these things into my DNA because He hated me. He didn't order my life to hurt me. No! He loves me and He's working His master-plan out in my life. One day the Lord will have His pattern finished on me and He'll show me the meaning of all those loose threads in my life. Then, I'll understand why and I'll be able to give Him all the glory.

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." (Psalm 139v14 KJV)

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