Dead Pheasants |
Next day Jemima came in from college, looked in the fridge and asked, 'Did Granny give us those little chickens?' I replied, 'No, your Dad brought them home,' but didn't want to tell her they were pheasants in case she wouldn't eat them. However, she wasn't easily fooled. She could see they looked different. And when they started to cook in the oven she said, 'Mum, they smell off.' So I told her I'd put onions and herbs on them and poured lots of pure orange juice over them. 'Ugh, what did you do that for?' Now it was the moment for truth. I had to tell her they were pheasants....and I'd used pure orange juice as I didn't have any oranges.
So, how did they taste? Well everyone seemed to think they were OK but me. They tasted a bit like leg of chicken. I had the pickiest little bit for I just don't like the dark flesh of fowl....I prefer the breast. Adrian tells me that pheasants are the food of lords. Well the lords are welcome to them.....and I don't think any lord would employ me to prepare and cook pheasants! Needless to say, I don't plan to make a habit of having pheasant for dinner!
And what's my point? Well, God created those beautiful birds and allows man to eat them. But He's given us all talents. And as I certainly wouldn't win Chef of the Year for cooking game....I think I'll stick with using the talents God has given me!
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