Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Out with the Old & In with the New

Christmas Eve night found me sitting beside one of Adrian's big open fires, with a glass of cranberry juice in hand and some chocolates nearby, The Christmas tree lights were flashing, the fresh fruit salad was made, some carols were playing and the Christmas mood began to dawn upon me as I focused on the incarnation of Christ. I'm thankful for all the Christmas wishes by card, text, whatsapp and Facebook. I must say that it made a pleasant change to scroll down Facebook to read all the Christmas wishes and verses, rather than having to endure the agony of scrolling through all the Christmas ads in my news feed. But Christmas Day and Boxing Day have come and gone.....and guess what? I'm back beside a big hot fire tonight thinking it will soon be out with the old year and in with the new year.
Christmas 2014

I got to thinking....What were some of the highlights in 2014 for me? Well, both my parents were 80 this year and it was a privilege to see them both reach this great milestone in their lives. And of course, as a family we celebrated both occasions by going out for meals. Another highlight of my year was getting a new kitchen installed. It took a while to get everything sorted but, thanks to all the talented craftsmen, it's in and I'm enjoying it! And I even got new glasses so I could see it better LOL! Another highlight for me was planning for and teaching at the Lifeboat Fellowship's Holiday Bible School for children in the summer. I was blessed in my own soul as I prepared the lessons on Prayer. I also enjoyed visiting my 2 favourite counties in Ireland again this year as well as Ayr in Scotland. It's great to have fun and fellowship with family and friends.
Mum's 80th
Dad's 80th

What did I learn in 2014? I really had to think about this question! First thought is 'Not much' but then that would be unappreciative. Here are a few things I reflected upon: 
  • I am far from perfect but God is so good to me
  • Sometimes it's my tears that brings me closer to God
  • God's ways are not my ways but His ways are best
  • Envy and greed can appear in many forms but I must not let a root of bitterness grow
  • I must encourage young people as they learn to do things, even when I think that I can do them better

What are my ambitions for 2015? I don't make New Year resolutions as they can turn out impractical to keep. I'm not a 'high-flyer' who boasts of doing great things, only to be deflated when I cannot achieve them. I'm a 'steady-plodder' who strives to fulfill dreams as God gives them to me. However, I do desire to know Christ better in 2015 and that the love of God will flow through me to others.

I encourage you to reflect upon your life in 2014 and about what you desire for 2015. I wish you a Happy New Year and may you experience God's blessings through Christ in 2015. 

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