Friday, 31 December 2021

High and Low 2021

There are 2 main events which dominate my memories of 2021, namely a wedding and a funeral. Jemima and Josh were married on 25th May. My mother died on 6th December. The photo below helps combine these 2 events in my mind. How precious to have a photo of mum with Jemima and Josh on their wedding day! 

I never realized that there is as much planning goes into a modern wedding! It's not just getting a venue, dresses, photographer, flowers, cake, sending out some invitations and just showing up to say your vows. It is so much more. There's all the little details like the font and design of the invitations and signage, preparing the sweetie cart, collating photos into a video, the shape and scent of the candles, the meticulous preparations for hair styles and make-up with photographer and videographer in the house recording it all, the arch for flowers and the seating plans, as well as the days spent making the Barn (youth hall) into a clean, suitable venue for the ceremony, both inside and outside. 

Then, add to all this the uncertainty that covid restrictions and lockdown brought. Online shopping challenges included returning unsuitable or damaged goods. Knowing what numbers and specifics we could plan for was always to the fore. What was plan B if we were not allowed to have a wedding reception? However, the one thing that kept us focused was that Jemima and Josh rightly decided not to postpone their date but to go ahead and get married on 25th May. 

Then, the big day arrived and we enjoyed every minute of it. Hospitality had just opened up the day before allowing Jemima and Josh to have the wedding reception they had planned for, albeit with some restrictions still to be adhered to. Below are a few photos of Jemima and Josh's special day. Edenmore country golf club was an absolutely beautiful setting for the reception, and the meal was delicious, too. 

Then, by the end of the year the scene had changed to sadness for me. My mum went into hospital in late November and then passed away on Monday 6th December. Yes, she had fallen in July 2019 and never been home after that but for almost 2 and half years we visited her in hospital or nursing home, when permitted to do so. I know she is absent from the body and present with the Lord. Her suffering is over and she is with Christ which is far better but I am still numb. Grief can be hard to bear sometimes, so my heart goes out to everyone who has lost loved ones, especially coming up to Christmas. May there be brighter days in 2022.

In conclusion, some simple facts come to mind:
1. Marriage was ordained by God and it is the union of one man and one woman. 
Genesis 2v18-24. Jesus reaffirmed this in Matthew 19v1-6.

2. Death is certain and we all need to prepare for it.  
"It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." 
Hebrews 9:27 KJV

3. Whatever joy or pain we have been through in 2021, we need to look to the Lord to help us in 2022 to face whatever situations we will find ourselves in. 
"Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." 
Hebrews 12v1+2 KJV 

Wishing you every blessing throughout 2022 and thank you for all your prayers, 

Saturday, 25 December 2021

Christmas Sadness

This year I have been prompted to think about some difficult and sad situations people can find themselves in over the Christmas season. The death of my mother on the 6th December has had this impact on me. There is just no way that I could write about every difficult situation at Christmas, so I am just going to take a few examples from the Bible stories about Christ's birth and early years. Please note that they will not be in order but I trust they will be an encouragement to you. 

1. Distance from family at Christmas

Jesus, Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt from Herod (see Matthew 2v13-15, 19-23). This was for the protection of the Infant Jesus (who was probably about 2 years old at this stage). Remember Jesus had not come to be killed as a child. Joseph was obedient to God, knowing that He is in control. I wonder do you, parent, obey the Sovereign God for the protection of your children?

God provided for them in Egypt and kept them safe. Perhaps they used the gold, frankincense and myrrh during this time. No doubt they had many lonely times, missing their families but God kept them safe. You know the wonderful thing....they were with Christ every day in Egypt, spending time with Him, getting to know Him better. 

Perhaps you are a great distance from your family or loved ones this Christmas, maybe even because of Covid travel restrictions. Trust the Lord to keep you all safe. Find your hiding place in Christ. Spend time each day with Christ, listening to Him and getting to know Him more.

2. Death at Christmas

Herod ordered all boys 2 years old and under to be killed. Their mothers were inconsolable (Matthew 2v16-18). Satan wants to kill and destroy children. 

Perhaps you have suffered bereavement this Christmas time, maybe even the death of a child. Your heart is breaking, grief is weighing you down and you cannot find comfort from anyone or anything on earth. 
May you find peace, strength and comfort in Christ the Lord this Christmas. He is the Prince of Peace and the God of all comfort.

3. Disappointment, Hurt and Confusion at Christmas

Joseph struggled to accept the miraculous conception of Jesus and considered not marrying Mary. He loved Mary but was no doubt disappointed, hurt and confused that Mary would be unfaithful to him. Perhaps he even thought, 'Why is this happening to me?'

Then, God spoke to him and calmed his every fear.... and Joseph obeyed the Lord and willingly married Mary. He and Mary raised Jesus on earth.. What a wonderful plan Joseph saw unfolding!

God can calm your every fear. Bring your disappointments, hurt and confusion to Him this Christmas. Be willing to obey the Lord, even when your cannot understand why things are happening to you. Then, you will see God working out His plan through you.

4. Difficult Delivery at Christmas

Just think about the difficult circumstances Mary endured as she gave birth to Jesus.
There was the long journey to Bethlehem when heavily pregnant, possibly riding on a donkey. This would have taken several days.
There was no room in any inn, so no comfortable bed for her.
She gave birth to Christ in a dirty stinking stable with just the manger for a cot.

Some of you young ladies may be due to give birth around Christmas time, maybe even your first child. I trust your circumstances will not be as difficult as Mary's; and I wish you joy and blessing with your new baby that God has given you.


There are many other difficult situations that people can find themselves in at Christmas: sickness, loneliness, financial problems, homelessness, abuse, conflict. I cannot even begin to imagine or understand the depths of difficult circumstances that some people are going through. Let us never forget others less fortunate than ourselves this Christmas. 

Whatever your difficult situation, I exhort you to remember Christ's first coming and to look forward to Christ's second coming. You can read about Christ's first coming in Matthew 1+2; Luke 1+2. Then read 1 Thessalonians 4v13-18 which speaks about His second coming and tells us to comfort one another with these words. 

Monday, 15 November 2021

All Creation Groans

I have listened to lots of talk about climate change recently and COP 26 in Glasgow. The poor old cows are getting a hard time... producing too much gas, maybe even needing to wear masks! 🐄😷😂 
When I hear about climate change and what we must do to save the planet, I cannot help but think... what carbon footprint are all these politicians and world leaders causing by jetting into Glasgow? Then, my mind is drawn to what the Bible teaches. These words come to mind:

"For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now." (Romans 8:22 KJV) 

Here are a few things that the Bible teaches about planet earth and we would do well to consider them:

1. God created all things perfect. Read Genesis chapters 1+2. The earth is the Lord's (Psalm 24v1). He rules over it and He holds it all together (Psalm 19v1-6; Hebrews 1v2+3).

2. However, the whole creation is no longer perfect but bears the curse of sin (Genesis 3; Romans 8v19-23). It is groaning, as it were, with birth pangs, waiting for the day to be delivered.

3. The great worldwide flood of Noah's day was such a catastrophic event that this world still groans with some of the consequences of it. Read about it in Genesis 6-9.

4. Read Luke 21 esp v8-12; 25-28 about signs of the second coming of Christ to earth. Wars; earthquakes; famines; pestilence; fearful sights; great signs from heaven in sun moon and stars; distress of nations; tsunamis, etc. Are all these things beginning to sound familiar happenings in today's world... and some of them put down to climate change? The whole creation groans waiting for the day Christ will return to planet earth.

5. There will be scoffers in the last day (2 Peter 3v3-7). They will scoff about Christ's second coming. They are willingly ignorant of the worldwide flood in Noah's day and the effect it had upon our planet.

6. The heavens and the earth will be destroyed by fire in judgment (2 Peter 3v7+10).

7. In the light of this we are to make sure that we are ready for Christ's second coming to planet earth. (2 Peter 3v11-14; Matthew 24v44).

I am not suggesting that we should not care for our planet and the creatures on it. Nor am I suggesting that the rain forests should be cut down. But I am asking you to study scripture to see for yourself what is going to happen to this planet and get ready for it. 

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Goodbye 2020

I guess that most of us are glad to see the end of 2020. Lockdowns, social distancing, masks, sanatizing hands, isolating, bubble groups, are all terms we have become familiar with because of coronavirus restrictions and will still be part of life for the foreseeable future. We have experienced life with churches shut; gyms shut; schools shut; non-essential retail shut; and travel restrictions in place. Many people furloughed or working from home. Politicians squabbling over it and some even breaking their owns rules. In fact, the media has been dominated with it and, of course, social media has had plenty of conspiracy theories too! Perhaps you wish you could wake up in the morning, realize it was all just a bad dream and life is back to the way it was before. Unfortunately, that cannot happen. Mental and spiritual health have been affected. The economy has suffered. But worst of all, people have died from covid-19. 

However, I wish to share some of my precious and positive memories of 2020, despite all the restrictions. Here are just a few photos and reflections:

During the first lockdown we used to clap our NHS heroes. My hero and key worker Adrian had to keep slogging away during lockdown to help make sure people had meat on their tables. We tried to fix each other's hair as hairdressers were closed. Wow, that gave some fantastic photos that are better not shared! 😲😏 We learned how to sanatize and wash our hands... and keep 2 metres apart when we had to do essential shopping. Panic buying of toilet rolls and other products left some empty shelves in stores for a time. Then, we had to wear face coverings / masks and they eventually became mandatory. I suppose they disguise our appearance and, should you step into a supermarket without one on, people have the manners to stand back from you. 😂


Thankfully God gave us a nice bit of sunshine during the first lockdown, so we could enjoy some time outdoors in our back garden or take a walk. Adrian and I love walking and, of course, Bridie is always ready for 'walkies' but with all the lockdowns and coronavirus restrictions in 2020 I think Bridie has been walked more than ever! Peatlands Park and Windmill Wood are local favourites, rather than going to shopping centres. We got so many laughs from Bridie climbing trees and chasing squirrels. 😂😂 


Churches were closed for a time and moved their sermons online and, hence, discovered new opportunities with a wider audience to preach to. However, I must say that I much prefer to meet together for church services than to listen online. That's why when drive-in church services were allowed, Adrian and I really enjoyed going to them. 

Crafting and DIY

When Isaac was furloughed from work in the first lockdown, him and I got some painting done. That and new blinds helped to cheer the house up a bit. Also, I enjoyed crocheting Ireland, even though, I haven't found a use for it yet. That's it on a king size bed in the photo below. Ah well, I suppose I will have it as a memory of 2020 lockdown. 


Staying local, rather than taking vacations abroad was maybe more the done thing in 2020 because of the uncertainty of travel regulations. So, when restrictions eased a little after the first lockdown, Adrian and I chose day trips for our staycation instead of staying away in a hotel or B&B. Portrush, Newcastle, Bangor, Scrabo and Hillsborough park all made lovely day trips. Walking, rather than shopping, was always our focus on these days out. And there's always a first time for everything. For me, in Sept 2020, it was the first time I walked all the way along the East Strand in Portrush to the White Rocks and back again. 


Isaac finished a personal training course and truly is passionate about training people in fitness. Well done to him! 

Jemima turned 25 years old in June and Bridie turned 2 years old in June. 

Both Adrian's mum and my Mum went to live in care homes shortly before the pandemic broke. This gave peace of mind that they were being kept safe and well cared for. Thankfully both have tested negative for coronavirus. The care homes have worked hard to try to keep the virus out. That has meant great restrictions on visits in controlled setups, with masks and social distancing, and even some window visits. Thankfully, I have been able to visit mum several times. Sadly, Adrian has not been able to visit his mum since end January /beginning of February 2020.

But one of the most special highlights of 2020 was Jemima and Josh getting engaged. The excitement of wedding plans are a delight. We are so looking forward to their big day! 


So, as we said goodbye to 2020, 

  1. I can look back and remember some good times, family times, precious memories, despite all the difficulties and restrictions. 
  2. I am truly grateful to the Lord for everything He has done for us. We have not starved nor wanted for any good thing. 
  3. My heart goes out to all the families who had empty chairs and tear-stained pillows at Christmastime because of losing loved ones. 
  4. It has never ceased to amaze me at how politicians and other leaders have stumbled through the pandemic, doing the best they can, but not bringing God into the equation. 
  5. I think, as we leave 2020, we have plenty to pray to God about. 

Remember, the conditional promise that God has given to His people:

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7v14

Despite all the negatives because of restrictions in 2020, may 2021 blossom with positives to glorify God. Best wishes and keep safe!