Monday, 15 November 2021

All Creation Groans

I have listened to lots of talk about climate change recently and COP 26 in Glasgow. The poor old cows are getting a hard time... producing too much gas, maybe even needing to wear masks! 🐄😷😂 
When I hear about climate change and what we must do to save the planet, I cannot help but think... what carbon footprint are all these politicians and world leaders causing by jetting into Glasgow? Then, my mind is drawn to what the Bible teaches. These words come to mind:

"For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now." (Romans 8:22 KJV) 

Here are a few things that the Bible teaches about planet earth and we would do well to consider them:

1. God created all things perfect. Read Genesis chapters 1+2. The earth is the Lord's (Psalm 24v1). He rules over it and He holds it all together (Psalm 19v1-6; Hebrews 1v2+3).

2. However, the whole creation is no longer perfect but bears the curse of sin (Genesis 3; Romans 8v19-23). It is groaning, as it were, with birth pangs, waiting for the day to be delivered.

3. The great worldwide flood of Noah's day was such a catastrophic event that this world still groans with some of the consequences of it. Read about it in Genesis 6-9.

4. Read Luke 21 esp v8-12; 25-28 about signs of the second coming of Christ to earth. Wars; earthquakes; famines; pestilence; fearful sights; great signs from heaven in sun moon and stars; distress of nations; tsunamis, etc. Are all these things beginning to sound familiar happenings in today's world... and some of them put down to climate change? The whole creation groans waiting for the day Christ will return to planet earth.

5. There will be scoffers in the last day (2 Peter 3v3-7). They will scoff about Christ's second coming. They are willingly ignorant of the worldwide flood in Noah's day and the effect it had upon our planet.

6. The heavens and the earth will be destroyed by fire in judgment (2 Peter 3v7+10).

7. In the light of this we are to make sure that we are ready for Christ's second coming to planet earth. (2 Peter 3v11-14; Matthew 24v44).

I am not suggesting that we should not care for our planet and the creatures on it. Nor am I suggesting that the rain forests should be cut down. But I am asking you to study scripture to see for yourself what is going to happen to this planet and get ready for it. 

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